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Once in a Lifetime, But I would do it again!

Writer's picture: Bonnie CoffeyBonnie Coffey

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

I’ll get right to the main point tonight as it was a full day and there are lots of photos to speak volumes.

Barrancas del Cobre – the Copper Canyon!  It is really seven canyons and it is four times larger than the Grand Canyon and deeper as well.  The beauty of the entire area is so hard to describe and capturing photos that do it justice is impossible but here are some of my meager attempts.

Barrancas del Cobre, The Copper Canyon, Chihuahua, Mexico scenic view
Barrancas del Cobre, The Copper Canyon, Chihuahua, Mexico scenic view from the rim

And I was pushed off the edge!

No, Ky wasn’t tired of my company, I was pushed voluntarily. I was a passenger on The Ziprider, the longest zip line on the planet! It is 8,350 feet long with a maximum registered speed of 84 mph! It has a vertical drop of 1,476 feet which is a 17% grade.  It was an amazing, thrilling, blood pressure raising experience! And I would definitely do it again – many times!  It was over too soon, lasting just over 3 minutes.  But what a breathtaking and eye-watering three minutes it was!  Is that too many !! in one paragraph?  Really, it deserves more !!!!!

Wifi just won’t permit a download here, but if you’re interested in hearing me scream, take a look at:

A big thanks to Ky for video taping me and selflessly volunteering to ride on the tram to meet me at the other  end 😉

The indigenous people living here are called the Tarahumara.  They are well-known for their running skills, and some even believe that  their name translated means “The running people.”  They make beautiful textiles, jewelry and pottery.  Additionally, they are well known for their vibrant colorful clothing.

Tarahumara people in the Barrancas del Cobre, Chihuahua, Mexico
Tarahumara people in the Barrancas del Cobre, Chihuahua, Mexico
Tarahumara people in the Barrancas del Cobre, Chihuahua, Mexico, textile vendor colorful clothing

Tarahumara  live in many areas around the canyon in very small houses and even in cave dwellings.  We mainly visited two areas today, one called Divisidero,  one of the stops on a famous train line called the Chepe.  The other area is called El Valle de los Hongos y las Ranas  because there are large rocks that look like  mushrooms and frogs.  There is a beautiful and simple small church there called the Mission San Ignacio de Arareko built by the Jesuits in the 1700’s.

Tarahumara people in the Barrancas del Cobre, Chihuahua, Mexico
Mission San Ignacio de Arareko in Divisidero, Chihuahua, Mexico
Mission San Ignacio de Arareko in Divisidero, Chihuahua, Mexico

The best part of that visit was kicking a soccer ball around with a local Tarahumara  boy. He was very happy to have us to play with I think. The smile on his face says it all.

Tarahumara people in the Barrancas del Cobre, Chihuahua, Mexico playing soccer

Another one of my favorite photos of the day was of a boy jumping from rock to rock. What a great playground in which to grow up!

Tarahumara people in the Barrancas del Cobre, Chihuahua, Mexico

Tomorrow is another move day (woo hoo – we love those) and our next location will likely have slow to no wi-fi, so if you don’t hear from me for two or three days, no worries.  I’ll keep my 30 day challenge going and upload more than one when I return.


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