Ky and I are frequently asked the question, "Where are you from?", or "Where do you live?" Those questions have so many potential answers. Over the last three plus years of traveling, we have come up with many different answers so that we don't get bored repeating ourselves. We might say, "We're nomads who have been traveling for more than three years" which inevitably leads to many more questions. Sometimes (wherever we are) we say, "We live here." That, while being a relatively true answer also leads to many more questions, and seems to circle back to the fact that we might only be living somewhere for a night or two. We've played around with, "We're in a witness protection program", but that one generally leads to the question of what crimes we, "Bonnie & Ky/Clyde" witnessed (or committed)?
Then there is the question of "Where has been your favorite place to visit?" That one completely befuddles us not because we haven't had favorite places, but how do we choose just one. And what made it special to us would not be reproducible for us, let alone another person. Take for example breakfast this morning. It was very special because we were staying in a guest house where we met new friends. The German couple mentioned in yesterday's post were at the table with us, and in addition there was a new couple that arrived last night who had joined in to the evening conversation. They had very interesting lives and we enjoyed getting to know them. There were four other people who spent the night, that stayed only to themselves other than quick hellos and goodbyes.
As the six of us sat around the large wooden table this morning, we exchanged stories and opinions and we all learned something we could take away on our own paths There were definitely some major differences of opinions, but all were respectfully considered and no one was judged harshly for their beliefs. It is definitely easier to do that with people you might never see again rather than those you live with in a community. But just to be able to consider where someone's idea is coming from, and that these are people who you really like, and would enjoy meeting again if the journey takes you near enough, starts a thought process which is part of the fabric of personal opinion. A fabric woven from many threads is much stronger than fabric made from only a few, and it can be much more colorful if they're not all the same. Thank you sincerely if you have been someone who has added a colorful thread to my fabric.
See the extra spot at the table - pull up a chair!
