Ky and I spent a day recuperating - it just had to be done. The day before was epic, but it was the type that can't be resolved with just one night's sleep. I definitely miss being in my 20s and 30s on days like this, but no whining - just a blip. To recover, we hung out in a great Airbnb in the small town of Langlois that overlooked the beautiful Floras Lake.

When I originally posted our intended destinations on Facebook Pickleball Forum, one of the people who wrote to invite us to their local pickleball courts, Carol, seemed genuinely excited that we would be coming to her area. Of all the places we've been so far on this road trip, I think the folks at Port Orford, OR have been among the friendliest. That's saying a lot since really everyone we've met has been so nice.
When I texted Carol to let her know that we would be in town, she immediately put us in touch with John and Bertie, who invited us out to dinner that same night. We joined them and a great group of pickleball players at Spoon, a crazy good restaurant with live music and a happy crowd. It is the kind of town and place where everyone seems to know each other and by the time we left, lots of them knew who we were, and we felt very welcomed.

The next morning we donned our newly made Pickleball shirts with the new logo I designed. Our oldest child put it together digitally for me! I'm so happy with how it turned out. We are bonafide and stylin' now!

The first person we met at the Buffington Pickleball courts in Port Orford was Wayne, the club president, taking his responsibilities very seriously and we thanked him for his dedication!

This photo really captures the nature and spirit of the Port Orford group - fun, just all of them fun! Sorry we didn't manage to get everyone. If you were a party pooper and left early, that's what happens!

Bryan & Leila's little girl was so uber cute I couldn't decide between photos, so she gets two spots! I put captions, but please let me know what you think she has in mind.

I was at the vehicle prepping my drone to fly, and in the blink of an eye, this friendly guy had popped up in to our 4Runner without me even seeing that he had gotten in. He was in a pickle about losing his master, but he seemed perfectly content and quiet sitting up front peering around. I looked around and saw a fellow walking out of the nearby restrooms with a dog-less leash and had a pretty good idea that he might be looking for a pup.

The fellow with the lonely leash made my day with his grin when he was reunited with his pooch, and I guess I had done a heroic act for him, by making sure he would get to go home with his extremely sweet dog.

There are four nicely surfaced outdoor courts in Port Orford. It got a wee bit windy, as it is sometimes prone to do on the Oregon coast. My drone squawked a bit about it, but it flew like a champ.

This will be one of our fondest stops on the road trip I believe. We are really looking forward to seeing some of these folks again, somewhere, sometime, hopefully soon!
If you go:
Google+ Code: QF2X+4H Port Orford, Oregon
Open play is Mon, Wed, Sat. at 9am.
Cost: Free
For more information contact Wayne Markel at 541-366-1920
#Coffeys2Go #HoverHigher #PickleballDroneShots #Pickleball #GoPro #MavicPro #DJI #PortOrford #Spoon #Oregon #FlorasLake #LostDog #CuteBaby