The vibration on my wrist at 3:30 am this morning was a subtle reminder that today would be a travel day. We popped out of bed and did out last half hour of packing, eating breakfast and getting the bags in to the car. Again, we’ve become pros at this moving thing and it all went smoothly without a hitch and we were on our way to Keflevik Airport (KEF). Until…. Ky patted his pants pocket looking for his wallet and it wasn’t there. A surprising string of choice words let me know that he was pretty irritated and concerned about where it might be. Further pat downs and searching all pockets didn’t produce anything, so there were more choice words (in case you didn’t catch on before, those are the kinds of words that got my mouth washed with soap when I was a little girl). Then we stopped on the shoulder of the road.
After a few tense minutes of rummaging through his backpack, there was a sigh of relief and the wallet was located. It wasn’t where it normally should have been. We were back on the road once again, and the return of the rental car and quick shuttle to the airport were as smooth as the Jif Peanut Butter that we lost on the previous flight from the US to Iceland because it cannot go carry-on, and it hadn’t been put in the check-in bag.
After saying goodbye to Iceland, we had a quick 2 1/2 hour flight to .........

Here's a clue for you. This is the Forth (not Fourth) Road Bridge which is one of the world’s most significant long span suspension bridges. With a main span of 1006 metres between the two towers, it was the fourth longest in the world and the longest outside the United States when it opened in 1964.
We're in.....

From what we've seen and read so far we're going to really like it here. The architecture is beautiful and so very old, people are friendly, things are back to a very reasonable price and we are staying in another wonderful Airbnb with a really nice and interesting host.

Happy to be taking a train again - I've missed them!

We'll be exploring this castle tomorrow :-)
Update: By the way, this turns out not to be a castle, but the main Bank of Scotland!
Early to bed since we woke at 3:30 am and since there is lots we want to see while we're here. Up at the crack of dawn tomorrow!
Hugs from Edinburgh, Scotland!